I arrived in Halifax in 1984 – I had left Calgary telling friends I was going to sell real estate. I got my license in 1987 and got a job with Ryco Realty. It was the perfect place to begin my career. In a business that offers many different styles of operations, I found I was attracted to this up-scale boutique brand.

Time offers change and I went to work for Mark Ritchie in 1992. People Realty was another brilliant unique brand that attracted the top producers in the City. Mark showed me what a leader looks like – he was forthright and upfront and had a great sense of humour.

In 1997 I chose to work for Charles Pace FRI at Harbourside Realty. An advocate for a higher standard of education, Charlie urged his agents to achieve their FRI designation which I did and owe completely to him (and Bev Sweetman).

In 2002 Sandra Bryant and I created a double-handed brokerage, Bryant McQuinn – it was the beginning of the changing face of real estate, with dominant style and branding amongst the independents.

Creating Red Door Realty in 2007 was a blend of my experience and reflected my journey in real estate. I feel so fortunate to have a 32 year perspective in the same career in the same city – there is something to be said about that. I lead Red Door Realty with respect for the past and excitement for the future. I am proud to be part of an amazing group of like-minded individuals who all share the same values. We contribute as a group as often and as much as we can to the community and various charities. This wealth of knowledge is the fuel of Red Door Realty.



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